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Deans : The unscary financial recruitment company

Jeremy Hodgkiss

It’s that time of year when for some reason your kids put their heads in a bucket of water to try and get an apple out, you ruin your best white t-shirt with tomato ketchup, and people buy pumpkins for something other than making soup. Yes, it’s Halloween! A time for scares and shocks. But we’re not into nasty or hidden surprises here……

We are fully aware that there are any number of horror stories about the world of recruitment – many of them legitimate. But if you are a company seeking job candidates, or a financial professional seeking that perfect role or next career step, you won’t find anything to frighten you by working alongside us at Deans Recruitment!

Here are just a few of the spook-tacularly poor comments we’ve heard about recruitment agencies:

From companies

“As a company owner, I am always sent job candidates by recruitment agencies that are nowhere near the quality that I expect! All they are bothered about are quantity over quality.”

“They never acknowledge our emails or return my phone calls……”

“It’s impossible to get a meeting with them and they were disorganised and unprofessional when we turned up.”

“We don’t have a particular dress code for those who come to interview, but the agency told them to arrive in jeans and a sweatshirt!”

“In our dealings with them they are pushy and arrogant.”

From candidates

“I’m forever being sent for jobs that I’ll never get or are below me – are they on commission for getting people to interviews?”

“I’ve been on an agency’s books for months and have never heard from them…..”

“They always list phantom jobs that don’t exist just to make themselves look good”

“My CV and application were inadvertently sent to my own boss at the company I work at!!!!”

“I bet they get commission for sending candidates for interviews!”

Pretty frightening reading the above makes, I’m sure you’ll agree? But there’s really no reason to be scared when dealing with us lovely folk here at Deans Recruitment. Why? Because we have the expertise, experience and track record to ensure that the above won’t happen.

That’s because we are the personable financial recruitment company. Business and finance isn’t simply about money – it’s about people. We fully understand that employers seek not only employees that are great at their job: They want to employ people who will fit into their team and who adds real value to it, too. And those looking for their next career move in finance will want to work for a company or organisation that they enjoy working for, too.

So, let us tell you what you won’t experience if you work alongside us……

Some of the things we don’t do:

We don’t send unsuitable candidates to interviews.

We don’t attain candidates’ details and then forget about them for months on end.

We don’t get commission for sending candidates to interviews.

We don’t act ever in an unprofessional manner.

We don’t avoid/forget about returning phone calls and emails.

…and we don’t cut any corners when it comes to providing outstanding service to companies and candidates.

So, please contact us about what we actually can do, and will do, for you or your organisation. We promise that we won’t make your blood curdle and we’re not creepy!

Jeremy Hodgkiss (tel : 01785 258311 or e:mail

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