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Jeremy Hodgkiss

Two years on, a success story based on history, expertise and flexibility .....

Deans Recruitment was launched in October 2019. We did so because we felt that the financial recruitment market needed a company that would deliver an extremely personal, professional, and trustworthy recruitment service to benefit both employees and employers alike.

We also did so because Deans Recruitment was borne from Deans Accountancy: That means we already had over a century’s worth of experience and expertise in representing our valued clients – in both personal and business financial matters - and almost two decades of success in providing professional financial careers, opportunities and services for both employees and employers alike.

As we know, in March 2020, life in the UK changed forever due to the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many individuals and families have suffered immeasurably since then, as has the world of business and work. The way we work, the times we work, who we work for…..all this and more has changed, and the pandemic has had a massive effect on the global economy; an effect that saw the UK economy alone slump by a record 10% in 2020! It’s been an unprecedented time, an awful time.

When you look at it from the outside, launching a new company less than six months before a global pandemic struck the planet wasn’t exactly brilliant timing. But like everyone else, we couldn’t do much about that, but what we could do was to look back at our history and learn from it – as we have faced numerous hurdles and challenges throughout Deans’ lifetime.

We also have re-focussed on our company’s ethos, values and just what we are all about. For a finance company, you’ll be surprised to know that we’re not really about numbers, figures and statistics – we are about people. At Deans Recruitment, we put the person into personnel.

From inception, we have understood that financial individuals and companies are all different – that’s why we offer bespoke recruitment solutions to bespoke financial circumstances, situations and needs. We never settle for second best. So why should you?

From inception, we have focused on pushing against stereotypes and preconceived ideas about the financial sector - and those are still our core goals. Covid-19 hasn’t changed that.

We have continued to provide quality candidates for quality companies, putting both the employee and employer at the heart of what we do. It’s quality financial matchmaking in a way, but done so using traditional values such as professionalism, knowledge and dedication, allied to new technologies and techniques. But with people at the heart of everything we do, not numbers.

But what has changed in the last eighteen months is how we have worked, where we have worked, and to ensure that we are as flexible, proactive and available as possible. It’s business as usual here and has been for some time. Why? Because we have learned that to survive and even grow, you need to evolve and be forward-thinking, all whilst sticking to your principles. The way we work has seen us working remotely, hybrid, in-office, face-to-face – and everything in between! But as we always say, we are all about people – and we have moved heaven and earth to ensure that this ethos has not only continued but blossomed.

So, how has the world of financial recruitment changed due to the pandemic?

Firstly, there is still a real feeling of uncertainty about the job market. The last eighteen months has shown us how things can change rapidly in all facets of life, and the worlds of finance and recruitment are no different. Clients and candidates are naturally apprehensive, and that’s why it’s a great idea to work alongside a recruitment specialist that puts you as a person first, not just as a professional.

Secondly, the financial recruitment market is currently a sector that is heavily short of candidates to fill positions. Basically, there are far more jobs available than people to fill them. Now, that’s great news for candidates who are looking for a new role - and whilst it may not seem so, it could also be great news for clients too, as a number of outstanding candidates will be looking to move into another role or for a change of career. And at Deans Recruitment, we have many outstanding candidates that we work for and with.

Deans Recruitment are a serious, top-tier financial recruitment company. Candidates: We see ourselves as your financial career development partner, not just a company that will find you work. Clients: We see ourselves as a recruitment consultancy, not as a job filler. Let us be your unofficial internal financial recruiter, rather than a standalone external recruiter.

As we head quickly towards the Winter of 2021, we think that life and business, is about relationships. Communication and collaboration more than ever before. Perhaps that is why we have continued to be successful – we keep placing and sourcing quality financial candidates with quality clients. That’s why we want you to communicate with us so that we can collaborate with you!

So, if you are you an outstanding finance or accountancy employee looking for a new opportunity, challenge, progression or the perfect job - or perhaps you are an existing accountancy firm or a general company or organisation searching for outstanding financial professionals to join your organisation – then please get in touch with us.

Contact details

Call: 01785 258311

Address: Gibson House, Hurricane Court, Hurricane Close, Stafford ST16 1GZ

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